Mark 8:35,36 TLB
“If you insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only Those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will Ever Know what it means to Really Live.”
v. 36. MSG. “What good would it do to get everything you want and lose You, the Real You? What could you ever trade your soul for?”
“Count the Cost people say!” The cost can be great or small depending on the Value you place on perceived personal comfort and pleasure.
Many things in life that people chase after such as money, social positions, and the the recognition of man are too often shallow and short lived.
Some unfortunate people have spent their whole life climbing the corporate ladder only to discover in the end it was leaned up against the wrong building!
Doing life God’s way is where the True Fulfillment begins! We don’t know what tomorrow holds, yet God knows your beginning, end, and All the in between!
You have to Let Go of the human fleshly way in order to Take Hold of the God Way!
God teaches us to Believe 1st, Give 1st, and Forgive 1st in order to See, Receive, and Be Free.
God says, Give up your Life for the Gospel, and You Will Receive the God Life, The Best Fufilling Life, and the Most out of Life!
People take a risk every time the sit down in an unfamiliar chair, yet they are unwilling to risk a conversation with an unfamiliar person for the Gospel sake!
People spend 30 Yrs to pay off a house they Expect to reward them with many years of Enjoyment after the debt is paid, yet they aren’t as willing to spend 30 minutes in prayer for the payoff of Answers to life’s difficult questions!
You Can’t get All the Answers to How Much and The Payoff of living Life God’s way without first doing what you are Already Willing to do 1000’s times a year...TAKE A RISK!