
Mike Hawkins

About Mike Hawkins:   Mike is founder and President of Gospel Flight Ministries International; currently based out of Broken Arrow, OK.  He is an Ordained Minister, and a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, 1985.  He is a graduate of Victory World Mission Training Center, 1985, and Pilot in Command of Gospel Flight Ministries.  Mike is a requested Speaker in Churches, Revivals, Seminars, and, Conferences in the U.S., and Internationally in Churches and Bible Schools in Central America, Argentina, Kenya, Tanzania, Nepal, India, Pakistan, and Mexico.

Foundational Ministry Includes:
   Authority of the Believer. The Leading of the Holy Spirit. Divine Healing. Faith. The Anointing in the life of the Believer. Righteousness - The Believers Identity in Christ. Note from Michael: *Personally, I am fully persuaded that these Foundational Truths from Gods Word are the Necessary Equipment of Every Believer who desires to be Successful in their Christian Walk and Ministry.*


Ministry to Believers:  Understanding the Anointing. Integrity in Ministry. God loves You more than your ministry, and more!

This ministry began August of 1985.
   Mike Hawkins for over 39 years has passionately contended for a God Encounter experience as the Word is preached and the Spirit of God moves in the meetings in which he has ministered.  This passion was born through the supernatural visitation he experienced driving home from a party in August of 1982 when the Glory of God filled his car and arrested him from a back slidden life.  Early in 1983 the Lord said, *Will you serve Me in the Ministry?* Since 1985 Building peoples faith toward God and ministering His healing power have been the keynotes of this ministry.

2011 Supernatural Shift: After 26 yrs of ministry, The Lord said to me late 2011, “I am Assigning you to the Nations.  I'm opening the Doors of the Nations to You.  You will transition from speaking primarily in the churches of the U.S., to holding ministry outreaches in the Nations.” 
I am very excited about this because this is also a large part of the Vision I originally had when I graduated from Victory World Missions Training Center in 1985.

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Gospel Flight Ministries Intl. is an Outreach Ministry conducting Church meeting, Seminars, Conferences, Revivals, and Bible School Training.

Mike inspires and engages people with the Person and Power of Jesus Christ to a Personal Level Experience.

Enabling Christians to Recognize and Respond to the Call of God upon their lives, and to fulfill their Active Responsibility in Ministry.


Mike demonstrates a great confidence that Gods Power Will Manifest through the preaching of the Word and the moving of Gods Spirit, whether overseas or in the States.

Powerfully Ministers Miracles to the sick:

He has seen hundreds Healed Instantly by the power of God. Eyesight problems, 50 degree curve of the spine straightened, hearing problems, growths and cancers disappearing instantly to name some!