The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer.
You and other people are the viewer. The distance you are from grasping the achievement is relative to you according to your present view. God sees you as more than a Conqueror, Complete in Christ, Righteous in His sight, and Holy and Beloved!
Someone else's opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality. Opinions are usually based on surface findings; Gold takes a deeper look!
Don't allow the temporal to cloud the present, and control the future.
Temporal by definition is short lived. Look beyond the circumstances to God. See yourself, and tomorrow through the Word perspective.
Never let the things that you can't do or change, interfere with the things that you can do! What you can do is rejoice- look to God for a breakthrough, and consider His ability to know the end from the beginning! You can change your despondency to expectancy through His Word.
Is.41:10 GNB "Do not be afraid---I am with you! I am your God---let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you."